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STAS - Picture hanging systems - Picture rails

schilderij ophangsysteem

Picture hanging systems are an increasingly popular choice for public buildings and homes. That is not a strange development: with a hanging system, wall damage is a thing of the past. Moreover, hanging systems are suitable for many different wall objects.

How to use a STAS picture hanging system

  • 1. A narrow aluminium rail is mounted on a wall or ceiling.
  • 2. A cord is hooked into the rail.
  • 3. A hook is slid over the cord to the desired height.
  • 4. An object can be hung from the hook.

The benefits of hanging systems:

Endless rearranging, changing out and alternating without effort, tools or damage:

  • • No more drilling, ever.
  • • No costs for wall mending or -maintenance.
  • • Easy to use for everyone.
  • • One purchase, a lifetime of profit.
  • • Applicable to every type of wall or ceiling.
  • • Sustainable building management.

Sale of hanging systems proceeds via STAS picture hanging systems BV. STAS is a sister company of Goelst NL and has over twenty years of experience with the development and distribution of hanging systems for various wall decorations.

STAS minirail STAS minirail If you're looking for elegant, barely noticeable picture rail, then choose the Goelst minirail system.
STAScliprail STAS cliprail If you're looking for a no-nonsense hanging system, choose the STAS cliprail system.
STAS cliprail max STAS cliprail max The STAS cliprail max has an extra flange that ensures extra-tight attachment to the ceiling. With this hanging system there's no gap between the ceiling and wall.
STAS u-rail is specially designed to turn a dropped ceiling system into a flexible hanging system in the wink of an eye. The rail is mounted almost invisibly on to the wooden ceiling molding.

The monofilament cord is barely visible and, in combination with a smart spring, can bear a load of up to 4 kg and up to 15 kg per cord with a zipper. The steel cable is suitable for hanging heavy wall decorations with the zipper - up to 20 kg per cable.


Both in the health care sector and in the business community, but also increasingly at home, wall decorations get exchanged regularly. This usually results in a pockmarked wall. With Goelst picture hanging systems, exchanging a frame is as easy as pie. And your walls remain intact. Think of the savings!

Have a look at the STAS website for more information

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